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GAA is a non-profit and an apolitical organization with Africa head office in West Africa (Cameroon), and global office in the United State of America and regional offices across Africa.

Mr. Wilson Forbi (GAA President and CEO), Dr.R.K Foolmaun( Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management of Mauritius), Mr. Norbert Kum (GAA Project Manager) and Mr.A.Allock (Environment Officer Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management of Mauritius).

The GAA collaborates with government and civil society at national, regional, continental, and international levels to build knowledge and skills that can help secure Africa’s future.

Mr Wilson Forbi (GAA President and CEO), announcing the African Hub to End Plastic Pollution (AHEPP).

GAA has as vision to build ocean and land resilience in Africa at least 30% by 2030 with full respect of indigenous right and indigenous leadership.

MR. Norbert Kum (GAA Project Manager), Mr.Jules Vagner (Founder of Objective Zero Plastique) and Wilson Forbi (GAA President and CEO )

GAA has as mission to Approach biodiversity conservation across Africa in a way that fully integrates and respect indigenous leadership and indigenous rights. 

Lise Kingo, CEO, UN Global Compact and Wilson Forbi , President and CEO for Global Aid for Africa (GAA),

GAA has a network of 576 organizations spread throughout 24 African countries.